Private screening of The Doge’s Tailor in Venice

Private screening of The Doge’s Tailor, a documentary film with legendary venetian tailor Franco Puppato and centuries old, Venetian ducal family Donà dalle Rose , produced and directed by Alex Dordevic of DeGorsi Luxury Consulting with cinematography by professor Ivan Sijak, SAS , was presented in Venice at the majestic Ca’ Sagredo palace on September 9, 2024. Numerous spectators filled the Tiepolo adorned halls and Sala della Musica, applauding to the film creators and cast. Among numerous VIPs, members of Venetian nobility, political and business elite, and many clients of Maestro Puppato, were top models led by Massimo Gradini who wore some of the masterpieces by Sartoria Puppato. Guests enjoyed fine champagne by Lancelot & fils and selection of delicious vines by Enzo Bartoli winemakers. Higlight of the evening was a special The Doge’s Tailor cake created for the occasion, that made the evening even more sweet.

Photography by Marta Formentello